Looking Good, Feeling Great!



A perfect harmony of cutting-edge aesthetic and longevity treatments.





Our Guiding Principles

Our objective is straightforward: to assist you in maintaining a radiant and youthful appearance through a combination of education, skincare regimens, and advanced aesthetic and medical services. Our dedicated team, comprised of skilled Registered Nurses and acclaimed Aestheticians, remains committed to staying up-to-date with the most recent techniques, equipment, and evidence-based research. This allows our clients to enjoy the benefits of procedures and application methods adopted by the most pioneering clinics worldwide.

Laser Hair Removal



"My aim is to give you an experience
that will boost your self confidence
and leave you feeling your best".



Lumecca IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After just one use, patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin. Lumecca operates using photothermolysis, which provides a photofacial through the delivery of a comfortable light treatment.

Morpheus8 Treatment

Morpheus 8 technology combines microneedles and radiofrequency, making it the most effective treatment. It is essentially a non-surgical facelift and body contouring treatment – ​​minimally invasive but with profound results. Morpheus8 restructures the skin by stimulating collagen production both above and below. It tightens and smoothes the skin while improving problems like scars and hyperpigmentation. Finally, it can also target stubborn subcutaneous fat by coagulating fatty tissue.

Laser Hair Removal

The Soprano Ice Platinum is an award winning laser technology that provides virtually pain free hair removal that leaves you with smooth, silky skin just after 1 treatment!
The 3 in 1 applicator achieves better efficiency and coverage, as well as having suitable wavelengths for each skin tone and hair type. It is authorized as the most safest and advanced permanent hair removal technology.

Treatable Indications

Introducing Sofwave

Soprano ICE Platinum combines the benefits of three wavelengths -755nm. 810 and 1064 - achieving superior result compared to any mono-wavelength approach. Using Ama’s ground-breaking patented SHR technology, and ICE technology for simultaneous contact coding, this virtually painless laser removal solution is suitable for all skin tones, hair types and target areas (body and face).

Before & After Gallery




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